
Getting Started Edit on GitHub

Note! Uses Quartz.Net v3.x which requires net 4.52 and above.

Install the nuget package into your ServiceStack AppHost project

install-package ServiceStack.Quartz

Create a basic job

public class MyJob : IJob
    public Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
        // ... job code goes here
        return context.AsTaskResult();

Then inside your AppHost, register the plugin and a job trigger.

public class AppHostSample : AppHostBase
    public AppHostSample() : base("Quartz Sample", typeof(MyServices).Assembly)

    public override void Configure(Container container)
        var quartzFeature = new QuartzFeature();

        // create a simple job trigger to repeat every minute 
            trigger =>
                trigger.WithSimpleSchedule(s =>

        // register the plugin

That's it. The job will now execute every minute while the apphost is running.



By default, the plugin will scan all assemblies for implementations of Quartz.Net's IJob interface and register them with ServiceStack's IoC container.

Your IJob implementations will use the IoC container to resolve any constructor or property injection dependencies automatically.


By default, the plugin will use the standard Quartz.Net's configuration (if specified).


By default, the scheduler is started after the the AppHost has initialised and shutdown when the AppHost is disposed.


By default, there is no scheduler persistence for Jobs. This can be configured using the standard Quartz.Net configuration options.